Virginia for Election Transparency

Free and Fair Elections are crucial for a Republic to survive.

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Locality: Bedford County

File Name: Bedford Survey 20210908

ObserversKathy Meckley, Susan Willis, Carol Mathis
Date of interview09/08/2021
Time and date of initial call and email:08/25/2021
Time and date of response:08/25/2021
Did the registrar refuse to meet you:No
If yes, please provide the reason given for not meeting:
Survey Answers
1. What is your biggest concern about the upcoming election?At this point - getting out the absentee ballots. Last election - people who checked box - confusion. I am concerned they might not remember requesting to be a permanent absentee voter
2. Any other major concerns?Trying to make sure efficient. 59,000 registered voters
3. Do you feel like you have the resources, equipment, personnel, and training needed to run an effective election in November?Yes
3a. Any additional information?Board and county supportive - use parks + recs facilities schools etc. To provide spae + training - have good supply of workers
4. If no, what is missing?
5. The county election board is supposed to consist of 2 Democrats and a Republican under a Democrat governor, but in some areas, boards have had trouble finding willing Republicans and have appointed an Independent instead, or another Democrat. What is the situation in this county?2D+R
6. What about precinct staff? Are you able to have equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans?Refused
6a. Provide DetailsChellenge when Chief + Assist Chief opp. party. Try to evaluate before election and notify each party
7. Is the county Board of Elections engaged in your work year-round, or mostly near elections?Yearly
7a. Any additional information?Board supportive when necessary + when by code
8. When was the last audit of the voter file in your county?
8a. No. of days since last audit: Daily process. Happens daily, DMV ongoing. State sends notice - July
8b. Any additional information?
9a. Does the Health Department send a list of deceased people to your office every month so they can be removed from the voter roll?Yes
9b. If no, how often do they send a list?Monthly. Dept of Elections - Rights Restored - Non-citizens from DMV
10. When was the last time the Clerk of Courts submitted a list of individuals who declined to serve on jury duty on the basis of being a non-citizen?
10a. Any additional information?Never received list
Record date and other list(s), if relevantNever received list
11. When was the last time you had access to the National Change of Address List or any other change of address list?
Other list(s):Does not have access - state does it
12a. Are you confident that the voter file is accurate and up to date?Yes
12b. If no, what is/are your main concern(s) about the list?Everything she has knowledge of. People move frequently
13. How many households in your locality have more than 7 individuals registered at the same address? Number:No report to generate that data
14. During registration, how do you verify that voters are citizens?Isn't a verification process, voter signs oath
15. There are three types of voting machines used in Virginia. Can you tell me which machines you use?Dominion voting systems - ImageCast Evolution. Electronic Poll Book - DemTech - Advocate Precinct. Remote ballot marking system. Server-side - Enhanced Voting - MyBallot
16. Who calibrates the voting machines, and can you please explain the process?Vendor - Atlantic Election Services - State certifies the vendor + equipment
17. Do you invite party representatives to witness the calibration?Yes
17a. Any additional information?Email for date of L+A. Certified mail to party chairs
18a. Are voting machines ever connected to the internet?No
18b. If they are not connected to the internet, how and when are they updated?Thumb drives only state certified updates are installed - June 2022 must be done by vendor
19. As an election professional, do you think the changes made in the election process in Virginia in response to COVID have weakened election integrity, strengthened election integrity, or made no change in election integrity?No change
19a. Any additional information?Personal opinion - so follow state law and therefore no change in integrity
20a. Did you receive any funding or in-kind contributions for training, staff, voter education or equipment, or any other purpose from outside the state of Virginia?Yes
20b. If yes, what was the funding or contribution used for?CARES Act $71,000. Poll workers staffing, postage ballots, laptops, mail processing equipment, ballot drop boxes, training
21. Effective Jul 1, 2021, Senate Bill 1097, eliminated requirements for voters to have a witness signature on absentee ballots for any election during a declared state of emergency. The Governor has now rescinded the state of emergency. How are you training your staff to ensure that there is a signature match for the upcoming elections?Formal training Aug. 18th - addressed instruction sheetsrequire - verify signed but not matched
22. There is a lot of concern in Virginia and across the country about the security and integrity of the ballot drop boxes. What are the chain of custody procedures for ballot drop boxes?No unattended drop boxes. Election officials always physically witnessed. 2 people empty boxes
23. Was there any time during the last election cycle when your drop boxes did not have video monitoring?No
23a. Any additional information?Some far counties have couriers who sign off to carry to warehouse where electoral pod is accepting
24. Who is responsible for reviewing the video?
24b. Were party observers present during the review?Refused
25. Would you provide training and support, or designate us to provide training and support, for an election day page program as described in 24.2-604.3?Yes
25a. Any additional information?Not now, have page program - work with high schools, serve minimum of 2 hrs- not during covid. Home school students as well. Non citizen student page approved by Board
26. Would you authorize non-partisan election observers with the same rights as party representatives; as described in 24.2-604.5 A?Yes
26a. Any additional information?Case by case basis - up to board + precinct opportunity etc
27. Would you authorize international non-partisan observers from recognized election monitoring organizations?Yes
27a. Any additional information?Case by case - dependent on space, etc
28. Have your local party chairs been notified that they are entitled to send observers to your office each day it is open and receiving in-person absentee ballots?Refused
28a. Any additional information?No official notice but have good working relationship. In registrar's office - documents are out + may limit observation - must protect PII for voters
29a. Do you have a publication that you provide to your election officials regarding rights and responsibilities of observers?Yes
29b. If no, would you be willing to distribute such a publication that we would prepare based on Virginia law?Yes
30. Question – Please characterize your interaction with the Registrar asHelpful Polite

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